Earthquake Update (4th May) ...
Following the devastating earthquake in Nepal, many of our friends and supporters have enquired how our schools and communities have fared, under the most difficult conditions imaginable.
As you will appreciate, it has been difficult to gain access to all the information we would like, particularly given the remote nature of some of the schools. However, the table below summarises the current situation.
Our local team in Nepal, although affected themselves, have now been able to visit several of our schools and make an initial assessment. They observed a great deals of cracks and other damage, which needs proper assessment by engineers ahead of the monsoon season. This is now one of our primary focuses. We are hoping our local team will be able to visit all nine Palpa schools over the next week.
In the meantime, we have at least had some word from each school, which is very encouraging. While the situation is much better than we had initially feared, all communities have been affected in some way. However, Batase school in Gorkha District, is very close to the epicentre, so we anticipate severe damage to village buildings, water supplies and sanitation.
Clearly, the situation is very fluid and subject to change over the coming days, particularly in the event of any further aftershocks. So please check back regularly for updates.
Updates are now also available via Facebook and Twitter.
Fatalities / Injuries
School Building
School Open
Other Buildings
Water & Sanitation
None reported
Safe, cracks
| OK |
None reported
Safe, minor cracks
| Not yet assessed |
Gyanodaya, Okhaldhunga
None reported
Safe, no damage known
No damage reported
| Not yet assessed |
Basanta, Bagnas
None reported
Safe, no damage known
No damage reported
| Not yet assessed |
None reported
Old building destroyed
At least 12 homes destroyed
| Not yet assessed |
None reported
Safe, small cracks
No damage reported
| Not yet assessed |
Amrit, Anghakhola
None reported
Safe, one wall damaged
| Not yet assessed |
None reported
Unsafe, severe damage
| Not yet assessed |
None reported
Safe, some cracks
No damage reported
| Not yet assessed |
2 Local women killed repairing roads
| Not yet assessed |
The Children and Communities We support Need Your Help ...
Some of our UK twinned schools and other supporters of Manisha UK, have already started fundraising, or are planning to do so.
We urge anyone who wishes to help our supported communities to recover from this terrible natural disaster, to please make a donation in one of the following ways:
Text donation of £10 by texting TEXT21 £10 to a UK mobile to number 70070, you will receive a confirmation text and request to approve gift aid.
Cheque made out to Manisha UK and sent to Old Moat Barn, Dormston Lane, Dormston, Worcs. WR7 4JX (Please enclose name, address, email address and approval to gift aid).
Many thanks, your support is very much appreciated. As always, a little goes a long way in Nepal!