Earthquake Update (13th June)
The rainy season is now starting in Nepal, meaning that we can't undertake any major building work for approximately three months. However, that doesn't mean we are not doing anything as we are busy fundraising so that we can get started on the highest priority repairs as soon as practical once the weather improves. As the previous table shows we were already aware of six schools in need of repair, and we have now learnt that our newest twin school Kalankee Primary in Kolkal has suffered both earthquake and flood damage and will also need assistance.Our twin schools in England have been fantastic, raising lots of money to help their Nepali friends and sending parcels to bring some smiles! We will shortly be launching an 'Everest Challenge' for both schools and our other supporters to raise more essential funds, and you can help by clicking the donate button to the right!
The Children and Communities We support Need Your Help ...
Some of our UK twinned schools and other supporters of Manisha UK, have already started fundraising, or are planning to do so.
We urge anyone who wishes to help our supported communities to recover from this terrible natural disaster, to please make a donation in one of the following ways:
Online donation at the Manisha UK donation page.
Text donation of £10 by texting TEXT21 £10 to a UK mobile to number 70070, you will receive a confirmation text and request to approve gift aid.
Cheque made out to Manisha UK and sent to Old Moat Barn, Dormston Lane, Dormston, Worcs. WR7 4JX (Please enclose name, address, email address and approval to gift aid).
Many thanks, your support is very much appreciated. As always, a little goes a long way in Nepal!
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